Feel Your Best, Look Your Best, And Eat Food You Love

No Miserable Diets

No Painful Workouts

No Boring Meals

Clean eating doesn't have to be complicated. With the right simple step-by-step process, support, and tools you and your family can enjoy delicious food that makes you and your body feel good. 

Clean Eating Academy gives you everything you need to transform your health and happiness


Inside Clean Eating Academy You'll Discover...

  •  80+ videos that share exactly what you need to know to master clean eating so you can look and feel great
  • ​Quick, clean, easy recipes that taste amazing, including kid-friendly options that the whole family will love
  • ​An in-depth product recommendation guide so that you can continue to enjoy the foods you love with clean versions
  • Our dining hacks so you can enjoy going out to your favorite restaurant and still feel great the next day

Feel (And Look) Your Best With Our Proven Step-By-Step System That Makes Clean Eating Easy And Enjoyable



Hear What Clean Eating Academy Members Have To Say...

Jen Smiley, Creator Of 
Clean Eating Academy

Jen Smiley is an expert food coach empowering people to make food simple so they can feel their best. She teaches you how to see through the marketing tactics and choose real food made with real ingredients without sacrificing the foods you love.

After working with Jen, clients have experienced improvements in inflammation and joint pain, freedom from IBS symptoms, better sleep, glowing skin, loss of stubborn weight and bloating, amazing energy without the need for that second cup of coffee, and many more incredible results... just by reading the labels and choosing to eat clean, real food.

If you feel exhausted, bloated, and uncomfortable in your body. If you've tried counting calories and exercising and still feel defeated... It's time to wake up and read the labels!

You Can Transform Your Life With Food You Love

Recognize why clean eating is vital to you, and your family's, health and happiness

Enjoy our pre-made clean meal plans and quick recipes for easy implementation

Discover how to make your favorite foods like pizza and cookies clean

Find the best clean swaps that make grocery shopping simple and fast

Hear What Clean Eating Academy Members Have To Say...

When you make this commitment to yourself, and your family, you'll receive...

  • Bite-Sized Clean Eating Videos

80+ videos that share exactly what you need to know to master clean eating so you can look and feel great

  • Clean Eating Planned For You

Quick, clean, easy recipes that taste amazing, including kid-friendly options that the whole family will love

  • Clean Eating At A Glance

An in-depth product recommendation guide that helps you quickly and easily find clean swaps for your favorite foods so that you can continue to enjoy the foods you love while eating clean

  • Eat Clean Anywhere

Our dining hacks to enjoy going out, eating at your favorite restaurant, celebrating with family or friends, and still able to feel great the next day

When you make the decision to join us today and create the life you deserve you'll also receive these bonuses to aid your transformation


Lean Muscle Protein

Protein is such an important part of your day, and you always want to make sure you're getting enough of it--but also making sure it's clean otherwise it is hindering your muscle building, weight-loss goals and blood sugar stability! This guide has everything you need to know on approved sources of proteins that contain anti-inflammatory proteins, as well as the amount of protein in each serving and a way to figure out just how much protein you need each day.

Value = $397

Included free when you join now


Clean Bread shipped to door

Clean eating really can be simple! One of the best ways to be sure this is a lifestyle change that will stick is to be prepared for those crazy days when the last thing you want to do is spend the evening cooking. These fast, easy recipes mean you can have something clean and delicious on the table.

Value = $297

Included free when you join now


Straight Energy Supplements

We spend so much of our time now making sure the food we're putting in our bodies is clean and good, but we are still missing a few things. Often, we aren't getting all the nutrients we need from food and this is taking a toll on our bodies from a cellular level....once you are eating clean and taking clean supplements that are delivered to the cells (most are being destroyed by your gut), your energy will appear and you will notice a shift in your health.

Value = $497

Included free when you join now


Weight-Loss Bread Shipped To Your Door

Most clean breads are sold online and we want to help you get started. Jen's favorite brand will be delivered right to your door. You can slap on some clean butter and jelly, take a photo and it will be featured on Wake UP! social media page.

Included free when you join now


Kickstart Call With Jen

Join Jen and your fellow new Clean Eating Academy members for an exclusive call to kickstart your clean eating journey. If you join the Academy by July 5th, you'll get the chance to join us live for a very special kickoff call to set you up for success.

Value = $500

Included free when you join now

"My workouts are more successful because I have more energy."

"I’m able to keep up with my kids and it’s changed my life."

"The rashes on my hands are gone, everything just feels so much better."

"I used to be addicted to energy drinks and now I have my own
energy back."

"I don’t feel deprived of
anything and I love my cookies
and chips."

"I usually pop Advil every 6 hours, after the first week I haven't even thought of it"

"I have been less bloated, which translated to losing 2 inches on my hips and 1 inch in my waistline. I have counted macros, done cross fit, and have not seen lost inches this easy. I have not changed anything but eating cleaner. I have not exercised and am still eating carbs and still lost inches. I feel amazin'!" 

- Erin E.

"I am so excited to be on this journey & have felt great & energetic for the last 4 weeks since starting to eat clean!! And my family is supportive & has liked so many of the clean recipes I have been trying!!"

- Nancy C.

"I have more energy & my body feels amazing! I love running & I’ve been able to run for longer distances since changing how I eat. I did an 8 mile run on Sunday and it felt unbelievable! I don’t feel held back by the foods I’m eating. I also feel less anxious and feel happier moods more often. As a bonus, I also lost 8 lbs since finding your page. I honestly feel the best version of myself."

- Gina G.

"I have suffered with constipation my whole life. But since I have been doing this, that is almost completely gone now. I can’t tell you how much better my gut feels. I have lost 20 pounds. I have no cravings for sugar. It’s been eye opening to me to try these foods." 

- Tracy M.

"Praises to Jen Smiley and the Wake Up and Read the Labels program! I have more energy and my mind is not clouded. Yes I've lost inches, but the way I feel now compared to three months ago is incredible. I've been in and out of the hospital for 2 years with random stomach cramps and pains, plus my very painful cramps from my menstrual cycle. All of those are gone!" 

- Alexis R.

"Clean Eating Academy has changed my life. I've been trying to be healthy and lose 15 pounds for years now. My weight (ie-inflammation) has gone down 14 pounds; my sleep is better; I'm off of Nexium after taking prescription strength for 10 years; my skin is clear and bright; my energy level is planed out and level throughout the day; and I don't crave anything. Somehow, I take in fewer calories but only because I feel more satisfied. I love that I get to eat cookies and potato chips without worrying about counting calories and guilt. I know I have so much more to learn and try from the menus and product list and am really excited to learn from the FB community other ideas and products. Most of all, I wish everyone I know would give this a try. It feels like this is how we are designed to feel. Thanks for all of your hard work, time, and investment, Jen, in making this such an easy and doable life change."

- Leslie B.

You deserve more...

It's easy to push the daily aches and pains aside. To grab another venti soy latte and pretend you're not exhausted before 3pm even rolls around. Wearing stretchy pants because your stomach hurts so much and none of your actual jeans fit anymore... it's easy to believe that's not important in the grand scheme of things.

In short, it's very easy to sacrifice your health and happiness because you're so busy taking care of everyone around you.

And I'm here to tell you that's not okay.

You deserve to live a life where you have the energy to enjoy every day, where you can play with your kids, wear what you want, feel great about yourself, and not deal with painful rashes or aching joints.

Your health and your family's health is worth prioritizing. It's worth investing in.

You are worth it. I promise.

Sometimes I wish I could talk to my past self. The Jen who thought her life was always going to be the same, that every day would be exhausting and painful, that she was never going to be happy when she looked in a mirror.

Just so that I can tell her what's waiting for her. Give her a glimpse of how great life would be once she woke up and started reading the labels.

I can't do that - but I can share it with you. 

You deserve to look and feel your best every single day. I hope you'll join me in the Clean Eating Academy and make it happen.


You Deserve To Feel And Look Your Best Every Day. Join Clean Eating Academy To Make It Happen

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